The Helical Chord

The double helix, DNA strands are intertwined representations of the dual nature of man: as both god and beast. The higher, artistic side climbs the alternating light and dark keys of the pianoforte keyboard into the heavens. The physical side shows our evolution from plant to animal, from the flowering of man to his unfortunate serpentine tendencies. Yet the snake writhing out of the basket of the card also symbolizes the sacred Kundalini energy electrifying our human backbones.

It is likely both strands join beyond the edges of the card. Like a twisted figure eight, this card symbolizes the single-sided, Moebius strip of infinite-loop Eternity.

As the doubled, golden cord connects all life on this planet, maybe all life in the Universe, we remember we are all carriers of the same genetic keys. The chord is stretched from the iron ball at Mother Earth's core into the Heavens. We, if we're lucky, learn to pluck a few chords on this giant violin string, before our life is through.

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