Words Will Never Hurt Me

In the scrambled game of life words are merely empty echoes of the unchangable past. Oh, yes, words can hurt. The childhood rhyme, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me," is certainly a lie. Words often hurt very deeply. But it is always our choice that allows the hurt to grow, to fester, to rob us of life.

Most of us think in words. Often the same few phrases circle our brains endlessly, over and over, again and again. "I am not good enough.", "If only...", "It's no use.", "It doesn't matter anyway." But it does matter. Thoughts are what we are, the building blocks for what we are about to become. It is our responsibility to weed the unproductive thoughts and fill ourselves with sound positivity.

It's time to change. When we finally realize it's our turn to play, it's always been our turn, we can begin to rearrange the letters to spell out everything we want. We've been dealt a great and challenging hand in the cosmic game of life. If our destiny were simple and small, we wouldn't have been given these huge opportunities to grow via struggle. Our destiny is great! We deserve the triple letter, triple word score--the bonus for playing all our tiles. We will win!

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